Acta et Commentationes Exact and Natural Sciences <p>The Acta et Commentationes scientific journal, the Exact and Natural Sciences series is a periodical publication, whose purpose is to reflect and develop the modern scientific phenomenon in the field of Exact and Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology); dissemination of the results of the scientific performance researches (fundamental and applicative) in the fields of profile; publicizing new technologies in order to implement them; addressing and elucidating the scientific investigative problems specific to the journal profiles.</p> <p>The journal is included in the Register of Scientific Journals of the Republic of Moldova in&nbsp;<a href=""><strong>category B</strong></a> and can be accessed at <a href=""></a>. The e-mail address of the magazine is</p> Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol en-US Acta et Commentationes Exact and Natural Sciences 2537-6284 The ontogenetic development of Rana dalmatina Bonaparte, 1840 species (Amphibia: Ranidae) in the context of climate change <pre>Globally, amphibians represent one of the main objects of study in the context of climate change, because the temperature variations recorded and in the Republic of Moldova also represent a major threat to their development and sustainability.</pre> <pre>For this purpose, a complex ecological study was carried out regarding the embryonic and larval development strategies of the Rana dalmatina Bonaparte, 1840, species and the main particularities related to its population structure and dynamics were described. This research allowed us to evaluate the degree of ecological plasticity of natural populations of Rana dalmatina in relation to the plurality of environmental factors, which allows us to develop suitable and safe measures for monitoring and conservation of the species.</pre> Tudor Cozari Elena Gherasim Copyright (c) 2024 Tudor Cozari, Elena Gherasim 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 17 1 7 18 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.7-18 The biochemical composition of the biomass of the oat cultivar 'Sorin' grown under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova and its possible uses <pre>We investigated the quality indices of the biomass from common oat Avena sativa, romanian cultivar 'Sorin' which was grown in the experimental plot of the ``Alexandru Ciubotaru'' National Botanical Garden (Institute),</pre> <pre>Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. The results revealed that the dry matter of whole oat plants contained 9.5% CP with forage value 598 g/kg DDM, RFV= 89, 11.84 MJ/kg DE, 9.72 MJ/kg ME and 5.37 MJ/kg NEl; prepared oat hay contained 10.5%</pre> <pre>CP, 574 g/kg DDM, 11.40 MJ/kg DE, 9.36 MJ/kg ME and 5.39 MJ/kg NEl. The oat haylage is characterized by pH = 3.77, 38.1 g/kg lactic acid, 5.9 g/kg acetic acid, 10.2% CP, 567-619 g/kg DDM, 11.28 MJ/kg DE, 9.26 MJ/kg ME and 5.29 MJ/kg NEl.</pre> <pre>The biochemical methane potential of the studied substrates from Avena sativa cv. 'Sorin' reaches 329-355 l/kg VS.</pre> Victor Țîței Nicolae Marinel Harablaga Sergiu Coșman Veaceslav Mazăre Valentina Coșman Andrei Armaș Ana Guțu Veaceslav Doroftei Alexei Ababii Copyright (c) 2024 Victor Țîței, Nicolae Marinel Harablaga, Sergiu Coșman, Veaceslav Mazăre, Valentina Coșman, Andrei Armaș, Ana Guțu, Veaceslav Doroftei, Alexei Ababii 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 17 1 19 31 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.19-31 New (o-phenylenediaminglyoximato)-(o-phenylenediaminglyoxime)zinc(II) chloride. Synthesis and crystal structure <p>The interaction of dichloroglyoxime and o-phenylenediamine with zinc(II) acetate dihydrate leads to the formation of a new compound of Zn(II) with o-phenylenediamineglyoxime (o-FDH<sub>2</sub>), very little studied ligand. The X-ray study, on the basis of which the crystal structure of this compound was determined, established that this oxime ligand was obtained from the condensation of organic components and coordinates to the metal atom like most vic-dioximes – bidentate-chelate through two nitrogen atoms, forming metallic rings of five atoms. The presented mononuclear complex compound is of a molecular type, the coordination polyhedron of Zn(II) being a pyramidal-tetragonal one is formed by a neutral o-FDH<sub>2</sub> ligand, a monodeprotonated o-FDH<sup>-</sup> one and a chloride anion.</p> Dumitru Ureche Ion Bulhac Pavlina Bourosh Copyright (c) 2024 Vadim Repeșco; Dumitru Ureche, Ion Bulhac, Pavlina Bourosh 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 32 41 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.32-41 Influence of fertilization and row spacing on seed yield and quality of Lathyrus sativus L. <p>Pulses provide, along with other species, a rich source of nutrients needed both for human food and animal feed. These include <em>Lathyrus sativus</em> L, a grain legume that is less cultivated worldwide, especially in Europe, but of interest because of its ecological plasticity such as tolerance to drought, waterlogging, salinity, etc.</p> Nelly Lili Fînaru Adrian Ilie Nazare Tudor George Aostăcioaei Carmen Simona Ghițău Teodor Robu Copyright (c) 2024 Nelly Lili Fînaru, Adrian Ilie Nazare, Tudor George Aostăcioaei, Carmen Simona Ghițău, Teodor Robu 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 42 52 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.42-52 Diversity of avifauna in the orchards of the Republic of Moldova <p>The study was conducted in the period 1991-2018 in 86 different types of orchards from the central part of the Republic of Moldova, in all phenological periods. The bird fauna in the orchards is well represented, with a rich diversity of 95 species from 13 orders, which represents 35% of the avifauna of the republic. The dominant species were the passerine birds that are widespread and have high density in various arboreal biotopes. There were recorded 5 protected species: <em>Ciconia ciconia</em>, <em>Circus</em> <em>pygargus</em>, <em>Milvus migrans</em>, <em>Falco vespertinus</em> and <em>Dendrocopos medius</em>. In terms of phenology, the predominance of migratory species was found, followed by sedentary ones, winter guests, occasional and passage species. Further research is needed on orchard avifauna, which provide a range of economically valuable ecosystem services.</p> Tudor Țibuleac Teodor Glăvan-Caranghel Victoria Nistreanu Copyright (c) 2024 Tudor Țibuleac, Teodor Glăvan-Caranghel, Victoria Nistreanu 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 53 63 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.53-63 ISSR fingerprinting of genetic diversity within and among Orobanche cumana wallr. populations from different countries <p>Molecular genetic diversity was analysed for 23 <em>Orobanche cumana</em> populations from four countries using 13 ISSR markers. Descriptive population genetic statistics and AMOVA analysis revealed a marked degree of intrapopulation differentiation. PCA and UPGMA clustering showed a clear division into two main regional groups, i.e. the first group was more closely related to the Middle East and the second group belonged to Eastern Europe. The results of this research would suggest that the Moldavian, Bulgarian, and Romanian populations, which have many molecular markers in common, may share many genetic traits that indicate their monophyletic origin.</p> Ina Bivol Copyright (c) 2024 Ina Bivol 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 64 73 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.64-73 [CaL3][Co(NCS)4] – potential agent for enhancing the productivity of Chlorella Vulgaris Beijer. microalga <p>The advancing of modern biotechnologies requires the development of new procedures for stimulating the biological activity of some cultures that produce substances of vital importance. Coordination compounds present an effective solution for achieving this objective. The inclusion of some biometals in the composition of the coordination compounds, as well as some organic ligands with electron-donating atoms, creates premises for the assembly of molecules that can influence biological systems. The productivity of the microalgae <em>Chlorella vulgaris</em> Beijer., cultivated on modified nutrient media and supplemented with a coordination compound containing calcium, was evaluated. It was found that increased concentrations of this compound have an inhibitory action on <em>Chlorella</em> strain. A stimulatory effect was registered when the concentrations of 10 mg/L, 5 mg/L and 1 mg/L of the tested coordination compound were administered, the biomass obtained was higher by 10.8%, 7.6% and 5.4% in relation to the control group.</p> Boris Nedbaliuc Eugeniu Ciobanu Sofia Grigorcea Dumitru Ureche Eduard Coropceanu Lilia Brînză Copyright (c) 2024 Boris Nedbaliuc, Eugeniu Ciobanu, Sofia Grigorcea, Dumitru Ureche, Eduard Coropceanu, Lilia Brînză 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 74 80 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.74-80 The dependence of the adaptation of the cardiovascular system in adolescents on the state of some environmental factors <p>This article presents the experimental data related to the ecological factors that have an impact on the adaptation of children and adolescents. The selected ecological factors are the air and water quality in the areas surrounding the investigated educational institutions. It was established that there is a correlation between the degree of pollution of the external environment and the cardiovascular indices of adolescents. Thus, for the students from the academic institutions located in the more polluted areas, the indices of heart economy and the restoration of the frequency of heart contractions after physical effort are lower compared to those of students located in the educational institutions from the less polluted areas.</p> Diana Koshkodan Lora Moshanu-Shupac Copyright (c) 2024 Diana Koshkodan, Lora Moshanu-Shupac 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 81 85 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.81-85 Floristic notes from Bessarabia No. 241-276 <p>The paper presents new growing stations for 36 species of rare vascular plants from the spontaneous flora of the Republic of Moldova, highlighted as the result of the new floristic investigations carried out from the spring to the summer of the current year. The species <em>Valerianella eriocarpa</em> Desv. was recorded for the first time in the local flora, the presence of 7 rare species, little known previously, was confirmed and they were proposed to be included in <em>the List of protected species</em> and in <em>The Red Book of the Republic of Moldova</em>, 4th edition: <em>Carex pseudocyperus</em> L., <em>C. strigosa</em> Huds., <em>C. vesicaria</em> L., <em>Epipactis leptochila</em> (Godfery) Godfery, <em>Fraxinus coriariifolia</em> Scheele, <em>Linum catharticum</em> L. <em>Senecio macrophyllus</em> M.Bieb., and for the species <em>Klasea bulgarica</em> (Acht. &amp; Stoj.) Holub, indicated only for one station in Batîr commune, Cimișlia district, from where it disappeared, another station was registered in the same locality.</p> Pavel Pînzaru Victor Sfeclă Valentina Cantemir Copyright (c) 2024 Pavel Pînzaru, Victor Sfeclă, Valentina Cantemir 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 86 101 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.86-101 DFT analysis of intermolecular and intramolecular double proton transfer during the condensation process of 4-pyridinecarboxaldehyde with isomers of aminobenzoic acid <p>To understand in detail the double proton transfer in the condensation reaction of 4-pyridinecarboxaldehyde with isomers of aminobenzoic acid (in the gas phase and in solvent), the dynamic mechanism was studied using the DFT method implemented in the GAUSSIAN 09 program and the 6-31G basis set. All condensation processes described in this study proceed in two stages: the first stage involves the interaction of the reactants and the methanol-mediated proton transfer from the amine group to the aldehyde group, forming an intermediate compound; the second stage is identified by the intramolecular donation of the second proton from the (-NH) group to the hydroxyl oxygen, forming highly stable Schiff base products with the elimination of water and methanol molecules. From the perspective of activation energy, it is observed that the solvent has a positive influence on intermolecular transfer, which is not the case for intramolecular transfer. Additionally, the solvent positively contributes to the energetic stability of the final reaction products.</p> Ion Arsene Viorica Purcel Copyright (c) 2024 Ion Arsene, Viorica Purcel 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 102 114 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.102-114 Physiological particularities of calves' organisms in early postnatal ontogenesis <p>This article presents a synthesis of the specialized literature regarding some aspects of the physiological state, growth, and development of calves in early postnatal ontogenesis. Calves have a distinct physiology, by comparison to adult cattle, adapted to their period of rapid development. Studying the physiology of calves during the early postnatal period is essential for ensuring their healthy growth and development, directly influencing long-term health and productivity. This critical period is marked by numerous physiological changes and adaptations, and understanding them is vital for implementing effective management and care strategies.</p> Sergiu Balacci Ion Balan Nicolae Roșca Vladimir Buzan Copyright (c) 2024 Sergiu Balacci, Ion Balan, Nicolae Roșca, Vladimir Buzan 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 115 124 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.115-124 Diversity of small rodents (Mammalia: Rodentia) in various sectors of the municipality of Chisinau <p>The small rodents in various sectors of the municipality of Chisinau are represented by 10 species. In the recreational sectors of the municipality of Chisinau, a rather rich fauna of small rodents was recorded due to the existence of various types of biotopes, including natural and wetland, which denotes the presence of stable communities of rodents, favoring in turn the existence of a series of predatory vertebrates.</p> Natalia Caraman Copyright (c) 2024 Vadim Repeșco; Natalia Caraman 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 17 1 125 132 10.36120/2587-3644.v17i1.125-132