Professor Ion Valuță – teacher of many generations of students

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Professor doctor Ion Valuţă (Valutse)

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Cioban, M. (2021). Professor Ion Valuță – teacher of many generations of students. Acta Et Commentationes Exact and Natural Sciences, 10(2), 8-16.


Professor doctor Ion Valuţă (Valutse) was born on 29th of May 1930 in Donduşeni (Dondusheni), Soroca district, Romania, today Republic of Moldova. In his "first seven years of life", he acquired not only the main norm of correct social behavior, but also he was conquered by the beauty  of Romanian language and by the charm of numbers, he understood the power and the value of the word and developed the sense of responsibility. Studied at the local school in Donduşeni and two years at the Lyceum from Iasi, Romania. His university studies were at the  Pedagogical University of Chisinau in 1947-1951 and then in 1954-1955, at the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow University. The doctoral studies were carried under the direction of the great Professor A. G. Kurosh at Mechanical- Mathematical faculty of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow University. In 1963 he received his doctorate, then in 1965 he holds the scientific title of docent, and in 1983 the Higher Attestation Commission of the Soviet Union confirms the title of the Professor. Many years he was in the position of the dean of the Physical-Mathematical faculty of Tiraspol University, where he works in the period of 1952 - 1964. Professor Ion Valuţă soon became well known in the Universitario sphere of the Republic of Moldova. The process of industrialization of the republic began and for this purpose was taken the decision to found the Polytechnic University in Chisinau. In 1964 the Academician Serghei Radautsan, Professor Ion Valuţă together with others started to create this important university. From 1965 to 1975 he was vice-rector for scientific researcher. During these years, the managerial and professional qualities were fully manifested. An institute with great authority was created. In the multidimensional activity during the life of Professor Doctor Ion Valuţă, the priority directions are the following: The theory of universal algebras and applications. History and Methodology of Science. Didactics and Education. Management of Scientific Research.
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