Writing instructions

The journal doesn't charge a fee for publishing an article. The electronic variant of the article will be edited in English using Word or Latex and will fit in the volume of 5-15 pages. Biology and Chemistry articles can be submitted in Word or Latex documents. All articles in the mathematics must be written in Latex. Use the below template.

Article model: article_model.tex.

Style of the article: aec.cls.

The compiled pdf file will have the following form: article_model.pdf.

Attention: If you cannot compile the above file, then use the following simplified sample file  article_model_simple_version.tex



The copyright is granted to ACTA ET COMMENTATIONES Journal (series Sciences of Education or series Exact and Natural Sciences).

The article will include the following main elements:

  • title (English, Romanian);
  • information about the authors (surname, name, affiliation, optional - e-mail, orcid);
  • summary (English, Romanian, maximum 100 words);
  • keywords (English, Romanian);
  • introduction (English);
  • methods and materials used (English);
  • obtained results and discussion (English);
  • conclusion (English);
  • references.

 The Figures (pictures, diagrams, schemes)  will be centered, immediately after the reference made in the text. Below the figure, there will be indicated its number and legend, the title being centered.

Tables must be numbered and its title will be placed above it.

Bibliographical resources / References. Within the text, the references will be numbered through  figures exposed in square brackets (for example: [3, p.143], [5-8]).  At the end of the article, they will be exposed in a separate list, in numerical sequence, as they are quoted in the text.  Bibliographical resources must obey SM ISO 690:2012 standard, and will be presented as follows:

 Books with a single author

  1. SOULET, Jean–Francois.  Istoria comparată a statelor comuniste. Bucureşti: Polirom, 1998. 324 p. ISBN 978-9975-71-253-8.
  2. ТИХОМИРОВ,  В. Д. Корейская проблема и международные факторы (1945 - начало 80-х годов). Москва: Вост. Литературы, 1998.
  3. PERMIN, A. and HANSEN, I. Epidemiology, diagnosis and control of poultry parasites. Rome: FAO, 1998.

Books with more than three authors

  1. SPÎNU, C., HOLBAN, T., GURIEV, V., SPÎNU, I. Hepatite virale şi HIV: aspecte etiologice, epidemiologice, clinice, diagnostic de laborator, tratament şi profilaxie. Ch.: S. n., 2013. 296
    p.– ISBN 978-9975-118-12-5

Articles and studies

  1. DIŢA, M., VÂRLAN, M. Autocontrolul, stabilitatea emoţională şi comportamentul la preadolescenţi. In: Psihologie. Pedagogie specială. Asistenţă socială. 2014, nr 1(34), pp. 1-7. ISSN 1857- 0224.
  2. БОРИСОВА, Л.Ф., СЮНТЮРЕНКО, О.В. Проблемы информационного обеспечения научно-инновационной и промышленной сферы: новые концептуальные подходы. B: Научно-техническая информация. Сер. 1. 2009, № 6, c. 9-12. ISSN 0548-0019
  3. RURAC, M. Influenţa prelucrării de bază a solului asupra unor însuşiri fizice. In: Culegere de lucrări ştiinţifice a Universităţii Agrare de Stat din Moldova. Chișinău: UASM, 2001, vol. 9, pp. 95-99. ISSN 0548-0019.

Other resources

  1. Codul cu privire la ştiinţă şi inovare al Republicii Moldova. nr. 259-XV din 15 iulie 2004. In: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 30.07.2004, nr.125-129 (1479-1483).
  2. Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova. Chişinău, 2005.
  3. Chairman Mao Talks to the People: Talks and Letters. 1956-1971. New York: Pantheon Books, 1974. 
  4. Republica Moldova. Harta fizică. [1:400 000]. Chișinău: INGEOCAD, 2016. 1000 mm × 5000 mm. ISBN 9789975400879.

Internet resources

  1. ȘTIU: Știință, Tehnologie, Inovație și Utilitate. Institutul de Dezvoltare a Societății Informaționale, ©2018 [citat 10.12.2018]. Disponibil: http://stiu.md/.
  2. Digital Radio Mondiale [online]. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Last edited: 02 July 2017, 16:53 [citat 16.02.2017]. Disponibil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Radio_Mondiale.
  3. Декларация о науке и использовании научных знаний [online]. UNESCO, 1999 [citat 23.04.2017]. Disponibil: http://www.unesco.org/science/wcs/declaration_r.pdf

The reference list will  be presented within reasonable limits. The references  made to  unpublished works  will not be accepted.

The manuscripts will be submitted on the electronic address: aec@ust.md

For a transparent review process, we ask authors to register and submit their articles through this site. If by some reason the registration fails, please send the manuscripts to the electronic address: aec@ust.md. The articles submitted without considering the style, grammatical norms and  requirements exposed above will be