Enterobacteria from the genera Salmonella and Shigella with an etiological role in acute diarrheal diseases

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acute diarrheal diseases

How to Cite

Guțu, N., Postolachi, O., & Zariciuc, E. (2023). Enterobacteria from the genera Salmonella and Shigella with an etiological role in acute diarrheal diseases. Acta Et Commentationes Exact and Natural Sciences, 15(1), 51-58. https://doi.org/10.36120/2587-3644.v15i1.51-58


The research was carried out during the years 2011-2022 in PHMI TMA Buiucani, 12496 samples were processed and 129 strains (1.03%) were isolated. The major causative agents of acute diarrheal disease were pathogenic enterobacteria Salmonella spp. (90.7%) and Shigella spp. (9.3%). The dominant serovars were Salmonella Enteritidis (53.49%) and S. Typhimurium (37.21%), and Shigella serogroups constituted 4.65% each. The isolation rate of Salmonella and Shigella strains decreased ranging from 1.67% (year 2011) to 0.12% (year 2022), except for 2014 (2.01%) and 2015 (1.78%). To mitigate acute bacterial diarrhea, it is necessary to apply infection prevention strategies.

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