Motivation for selecting Russian as second foreign language in the Czech educational environment
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Russian language, second foreign language learning, motivation, pupils with learning disability.

How to Cite

Rozboudová, L., & МИКОЛАШОВА, З. (2020). Motivation for selecting Russian as second foreign language in the Czech educational environment. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 20(2), 89-95.


This text brings a brief overview of the analysis of the data gained during a research that was focusing on finding out the factors influencing pupils of primary and secondary schools in choosing Russian as the second foreign language. The introduction of the contribution characterizes the state of Russian in the system of contemporary education at primary and secondary schools and it also explains the significance of motivation in the study of foreign languages. The main part of the article is devoted to the presentation of the results of the empirical research and to the evaluation of the validity of statements that are often connected to the choice of Russian as the second foreign language in the Czech school environment.
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