Open access policy

The Acta et Commentationes magazine is an Open Access electronic publication, subject to a double-pronged review process with free online access. According to the Open Access definition of the Open Access Initiative in Budapest, the users have the right to "read, download, copy, print, or link" to the full text of the articles.

               The"Open Access" allows the collectively rated research literature to be freely available on the public Internet, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or send to the full texts of these articles, browse them, index them, pass them as a software or use it for any legal purpose without, any financial, legal or technical barrier, other than the inseparable access to the Internet itself. The only limitation on reproduction or distribution, and the only role of copyright in this area, is that we give the authors control over the integrity of their own work and the rights to be recognized and properly cited.

               The Open Access to the results of scientific research is supported in particular by The Open Access Initiative in Budapest (BOAI), the Berlin and Bethesda initiatives. In our country, the state policy in the field of science and innovation is based on the Code of Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova, adopted in 2004, which provides access to scientific information.

               Tiraspol State University, the founder of the Journal Acta et Commentationes, supports the Open Access policy and undertakes to provide access to the publication in question. Acta et Commentationes is a scientific publication with Open Access.