Educational pattern of communication skills development of students (physical education)


communication, communication competence, physical education, educational pattern, correlation

How to Cite

FLOREA, M. (2022). Educational pattern of communication skills development of students (physical education). Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 28(2), 177-183.


Deriving from the intended purpose, this article describes an activity of forming communication skills in a more special context, that of the physical education lesson/ activity, aiming to make arguments in favour of this formative correlation. Some of the students' results in terms of communication skills in the role of premises are analysed. Physical education is a powerful educational tool that can help young people develop their social and communication skills. Research that reveals how students perceive reality, how they relate to it through communication and how they perceive the need for these skills is necessary from the perspective of forming, during the high school cycle, young people who can successfully insert themselves into the labour market and who can adapt to the increasingly frequent changes taking place in today's society. It is for these reasons that the article analyses the correlation between communication and physical education within the learning activity, "looking" for relevant solutions for the formation of communication skills outside the linguistic disciplines.
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