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education, old age education, social assistance, social insurance, social protection.

How to Cite

SILISTRARU, N., & PIKULA, N. G. (2019). EDUCATION AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE . Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 15(1), 32-39.


The training of elders is analysed in a multidimensional way, both in the institutional and in the personal context. Through the daily experience can be done the change of the seniors way of thinking about their lives, minimized the phenomena of loneliness and increase the feeling of satisfaction, fulfilment, persuasion that the man, as homo-construens can create his life, accomplish his goals, intentions and plans of life, which is not limited by age or negative thinking about his own old age. The knowledge gained throughout life, about itself in the world "fulfils the role of the basic regulator of the individual's behaviours, which ensures the minimum of psychic comfort". The foundation of learning
about the meaning of life in old age is the establishment of man's ability to work efficiently and constructively on him by proper support in the tendency towards self-realization, to the fulfilment of development and humanity.
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