STE(A)M projects - basis of active learning in biology
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project, STEM, STEAM, competence, active learning.

How to Cite

PLACINTA, D., & COROPCEANU, E. (2020). STE(A)M projects - basis of active learning in biology. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 20(2), 13-23.


Student-centered active learning requires the use of interdisciplinary strategies, which develop critical thinking, creativity, ingenuity. Based on the STE(A)M methodology, efficient solutions can be identified for various situations in the field of Natural Sciences. Through STE(A)M projects, students can build their own vision in the field, capitalizing on their personal skills through motivational learning activities based on the new concept included in the Biology Curriculum, 2019. The purpose of this type of learning is externalized by the applicability of skills and abilities in real life situations. The promotion of the new direction in education is supported by the Council of the European Union.
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