Methodological aspects regarding the processing of pedagogical experimental data applying the φ*-Fisher and U-Mann-Whitney criteria


pedagogical experiment, non-parametric criteria, φ* criterion - Fisher's angular transformation, Mann-Whitney criterion, statistical reliability, significance level

How to Cite

Bostan, M. (2022). Methodological aspects regarding the processing of pedagogical experimental data applying the φ*-Fisher and U-Mann-Whitney criteria. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 3(29), 108-118.


In that article, the results of the pedagogical experiment regarding the study of "Graph Theory" in the university system from the perspective of the implementation of new information technologies are presented. Statistical data processing was carried out by applying the non-parametric criteria φ* - Fisher's angular transformation and U-Mann-Whitney. The central conclusions related to the conducted experiment are highlighted.
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