The development of initiative and independence at preadolescents


will, initiative, independence, preadolescent age

How to Cite

Nita, L. (2022). The development of initiative and independence at preadolescents. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 3(29), 169-176.


Article presents two important components of will: initiative and independence at preadolescents. In order to study initiative and independence we applied Technique for the study of volitional qualities of personality (by Н. Стамбулова). As results we established that the most of preadolescents (76,57%, 60,67%) have a medium level of initiative and independence under the expression of the expressivity and generalization factors. Also, we underline that boys and girls does not differ in ways of initiative and independence manifestation. At the same time during the preadolescence we observe change in initiative and independence.
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