The institutional management of inserting intercultural competence in the educational curriculum


educational management, insertion management, educational curriculum, intercultural education, intercultural education competence

How to Cite

SADOVEI, L. (2023). The institutional management of inserting intercultural competence in the educational curriculum. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 30(4), 88-95.


In the reflection of the initiated subject, concepts legitimized by the criterion of specific belonging to a science, such as the educational curriculum and the intercultural competence of pupils/students in pedagogy, as a science of education, and concepts, based on the intradisciplinary and multidisciplinary research methodology, will be subjected to analysis, such as, are the concepts of management and competence. In the same analysis key, the concepts of institutional management and insertion management, developed by economic sciences, with direct applications in education sciences, will be reflected. The concept of intercultural competence will be the starting point and applicative benchmark in arguing the effectiveness of insertion management at the level of the educational institution.
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