The forest ecosystems of the Bîc river basin – opportunities for specialization practice and training of professional skills for geographers


specialized practice, specialized practice curriculum, internship guide, research methods, digital skills, evaluation

How to Cite

CODREANU, I., & CAZAC, V. (2023). The forest ecosystems of the Bîc river basin – opportunities for specialization practice and training of professional skills for geographers. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 31(1), 93-101.


The content of this scientific material highlights the role and methodology of organizing specialized practice with geography students. This didactic activity is realized according to the curriculum of the 0532.1 Geography program in several stages: the introductory practice in the first semester and the first specialized practice in the second semester of the first year of studies. Therefore, the second specialized practice is done in the IV semester of the second year, followed by the license practice in the VI semester of the third year of studies. Consolidation of professional skills according to the goals set out in the education plan and in the curriculum of specialized practice is realizing in various institutions active in the field of research, such as the Institute of Ecology and Geography, the State Hydrometeorological Service, the Institute of Seismology and Geology and the Institute of Research and Development Forestry from the Republic of Moldova. The specialized practice at the end of the second year, involves the students in practical activities on the field within the Străseni Forest Bypass in the Bîc river basin, these referring at design, planting and forestry works. Firstly, the students analyze the bibliographic and cartographic materials in laboratory conditions, followed by discussions with the responsible specialists within the institution, as well as training in relation to work safety. The knowledge, skills and competences acquired by the students during the specialty practice period are the foundation they will need for the professional activity in the field of professional training.
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