Considerations for national validation mechanism of lifelong learning outcomes in non-formal and informal contexts


Lifelong learning, formal education, non-formal education, informal education, key competences, personal accounts, micro-certificates, validation of learning outcomes in non-formal and informal contexts

How to Cite

BALECA, M. (2023). Considerations for national validation mechanism of lifelong learning outcomes in non-formal and informal contexts. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 31(1), 164-173.


The article addresses lifelong learning in non-formal and informal contexts. It specifies the role of the key competences system as a referential for directing lifelong learning in formal, non-formal and informal contexts. The significance and particularities of non-formal and informal learning and their value for the development of the human personality are highlighted. Special emphasis is placed on new European trends in facilitating lifelong learning, in particular the value of personal accounts and micro-credentials for motivating adults for lifelong learning. It also, describes the problems/blocks to recognition and validation of learning outcomes in non-formal and informal contexts. In the same context, the experience of the Republic of Moldova in the field of creating and strengthening the mechanism of validation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired in non-formal and informal learning contexts is presented, to which the author of the article contributes directly.
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