Implementation of the interactive digital game in the individual learning activity in Biology
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game, entertainment game, electronic game, video game, digital game, interactive game, educational digital game

How to Cite

SIRGHI, O. (2023). Implementation of the interactive digital game in the individual learning activity in Biology. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 33(3), 134-142.


The article discusses the importance of implementing interactive digital games as an educational resource in individual learning activities in Biology, in the process of investigating the living world and developing biological scientific language in 10th grade students, through interactive activities to acquire knowledge in homework: "Class Bonefishes (Osteichthyes)", "Class Amphibians (Amphibia)", "Class Birds (Aves)", "Class Mammals (Mammalia)". The implementation of the interactive digital game ensures a more effective study of the structure of living organisms by students who play with attention and interest in achieving the goal of the game, thus achieving individual learning.
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