The development of research/investigation competence in the opinion of Geography teachers
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research/investigation competence, investigative approach, learning through investigation, specific competences in Geography

How to Cite

DUMITRASCU, D. M. (2023). The development of research/investigation competence in the opinion of Geography teachers. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 33(3), 175-187.


The study represents the results of a survey and their interpretation in the form of an analysis of the training needs of teachers and students from the Republic of Moldova and from Romania, regarding the specifics of the process of developing the research/investigation competence of high school students in the Discipline of Geography. The first part of the article outlines the perspective of approaching the targeted competence in three directions of development: scientific thinking, the systemic, integrated methodology of the training process and the attitudinal - axiological component. The characteristic elements of learning through Geography that connect the high school graduate to lifelong learning are described: inquiry- based learning, the inquiry cycle, inquiry capacities, skills and attitudes. In the second part, through the statistical systematization of the answers obtained following the application of the questionnaire, the problems of the development of research/investigation competence are identified and directions for pedagogical intervention are drawn.
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