A comparative study of maximum matching algorithms
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graph, bipartite graph, maximum flow, matching algorithm, Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, Even & Kariv algorithm

How to Cite

ESANU, M., & CORLAT, S. (2024). A comparative study of maximum matching algorithms. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 35(1), 97-102. https://doi.org/10.36120/2587-3636.v35i1.97-102


One of the central problems of discrete optimization is the problem of determining the maximal matching, which can be solved in various ways, depending on the structure of the initial data. In this article, a comparative study of the efficiency of maximal flow algorithms (Ford-Fulkerson) and the direct algorithm for determining maximal matching (Even & Kariv) on unweighted bipartite graphs is conducted. The analysis is based on a set of high-difficulty computing competition problems. Therefore, the results will be useful not only to those interested in the maximal matching problem but also to all those who are preparing to participate in various programming competitions.

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