Conflicts in the school environment: determinants and resolution strategies
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conflict, determining factors, resolution strategies, school environment

How to Cite

DRAMBA, S.-M. (2024). Conflicts in the school environment: determinants and resolution strategies. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 35(1), 136-143.


Conflict is an undeniable reality with its cohort of undesirable consequences. As superior expressions of social organization, the school and the classroom are two educational spaces where conflict arises and unfolds necessarily in various forms. However, if we cannot eradicate the occurrence and, implicitly, the existence of conflict, it does not mean that we cannot strive to control better the coordinates in which it unfolds. This article aims to advocate for understanding the factors that determine the emergence of conflict, the forms it takes, and the strategies that can and should lead to its prevention, identification, and resolution.
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