Determination of the particularities of growth and development in different temperature conditions of micromicets Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp. and Botrytis dual culture with Penicillium spp.

Supplementary Files



micromycetes,Alternariaspp.,Fusariumspp.,Botrytisspp.,Penicilliumspp., dual culture, thermal conditions.

How to Cite

Grigorcea, S., Nedbaliuc, B., Chiriac, E., Aluchi, N., & Grigorcea, D. (2021). Determination of the particularities of growth and development in different temperature conditions of micromicets Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp. and Botrytis dual culture with Penicillium spp. Acta Et Commentationes Exact and Natural Sciences, 11(1), 138-145.


The article reflects information on the particularities of growth and development of micromycetes  Alternaria alternata, Fusarium solani, F. oxysporumvar.orthoceras, Botrytis cinerea, in dual culture with Penicillium chrysogenum under different temperature conditions. Has been found that temperature plays an important role inthe growth, development and formation of the interaction features of the studied micromicets.
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