Practical activities - essential element in the training of specific geography competences
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competences, Geography-specific competences, practical activities

How to Cite

BOCANCEA, V., & PATRASCU, A. (2023). Practical activities - essential element in the training of specific geography competences. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 33(3), 86-98.


In this era where almost everything is developing rapidly, when experience is demanded insistently in all fields, there is also a need to improve the educational system and to train skills through practical activities. The study aims to emphasize the beneficial effect of practical activities carried out by high school students in acquiring and consolidating knowledge in the field of Geography. By approaching the concept of competence/s, the complete and definitive treatment of the concept was not pursued, but an attempt was made to argue for the formation of geography-specific competences progressively through practical activities. Lessons that include practical activities in the educational process are obvious, because they acquire essential psycho-pedagogical characteristics, generating interest in knowledge compared to lessons where geographical contents are directly transmitted and recommended for learning.
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