Reflections on national documents and initiatives to promote STEAM education in general education
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STEM, STEAM, education, curricula, textbooks

How to Cite

BRAICOV, A., & VEVERITA, T. (2024). Reflections on national documents and initiatives to promote STEAM education in general education. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 35(1), 21-34.


In this article, the normative acts and national initiatives from the Republic of Moldova that refer to the promotion of STEAM education are examined. It was found that these legislative documents give importance to multidisciplinary, inter- and trans-disciplinary training at all levels of non-higher education, without recommending the integrated teaching of the basic STEAM subjects: physics, biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics, computer science. The training and development of skills for planning and developing multidisciplinary products in the form of STEAM projects is stipulated in some disciplinary Curricula in the area of Mathematics and Science and only sporadically in the other Curricula. As a result, there are few tasks-activities of the STEAM type in the school textbooks in the Republic of Moldova.
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