Current paradigms in the process of developing and studying chatbots


artificial intelligence, chatbot, educational chatbot, Turing test, ChatGPT

How to Cite

CHIRIAC, L., LUPASCO, N., & PAVEL, M. (2023). Current paradigms in the process of developing and studying chatbots. Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education , 30(4), 7-19.


In this article, the most essential aspects related to the development and study of chatbots are examined. In the given context, the essential types, particularities of chatbots and methods of creating chatbots at the current stage are studied from the perspective of the development of Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). The most important achievements in the respective field obtained over time as well as the trends in the development of modern chatbots are examined.
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